Monday, March 30, 2009

More Progress

Room Update – Almost done! Yeah! Ordered some bookcases for organization and there was a mixup on one of them. It should be in this week and hopefully this weekend I will get all the toys back in. I came up with a clever way (ingenious was the word I originally picked but I want to appear modest)to hang Miss M’s tent flaps. Extra long shower curtain rod. Found some really cute hooks and then all I have to do is put some grommets in, assuming that would be easier to figure out than my button hole maker on my sewing machine. I’m hoping to have the tent curtains done by this weekend too. We’ll see.

Writing – I finished the plotting class. I have to be honest, I really already had L&D1 plotted out to the point where I didn’t need the class. But it did help me adjust my thinking for future works. All in all, it was a worthwhile class to take and I recommend it to anyone doubting their plotting abilities.

So now that I’ve finished the class I’m fine tuning my outline for L&D1. I’m giving myself two weeks for last minute detail stuff and I’m going to try and start writing in earnest by Easter.


Anonymous said...

Um what's that purple thing?

I just can't outline. I'm doing character descriptions and a really really really big synopsis, call it a first draft, HA! Then I'm going to use Scrivener to drop the pertinent sections into their respective files and voila - Ill have an outline. I have to back into mine.

Good luck on meeting your Easter deadline.

Dani said...

Ha! The purple thing is Miss M's new walls. I should have another pic by this weekend.

Scrivener... Oh how I wish there was a true Windows equivalent. It looks SO pretty. I just googled for corkboard software for my WIP (not even thinking about storyboards, my character uses something like it for cases) and every other line was about Scrivener. :(